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Week One

January 9th - 13th

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself.
When you become a leader, success is all
about growing others. —Jack Welch
Click the video to the left or look up the following
How to Speak so that People will Listen: Julian Treasure / TedTalks

Due: Tuesday, 1/10 CHANGED! Wednesday 1/11

Assignment: Video

Approximate Time: 10 min

Objective: To consider the influence of tone, speech pattern, and content on whether your audience will be impacted by your message.  

Instructions: Watch the full video and take notes on material you find relevant to the power of speech in leadership. Although your notes will not be graded it is expected that you will come to class prepared to discuss this video and apply the techniques which he presented. It is also expected that you will have at least one quote written down which you can present to the class.

Due Date: Wednesday, 1/11 CHANGED! Friday 1/13

Assignment: Online Personality Quiz & Writing

Approximate Time: 30 -45 min

Objective: To consider your own unique personality traits and explore how you can harness and develop these qualities to become an effective leader.

Instructions: Follow the link provided and take the personality quiz (about 12 min). Once you have completed the quiz email the results to yourself. Log into your email and forward me the results at It is important that you email them to yourself first and simply forward the results to me so that you have the original copy.

Look over your results and then write a one paragraph response to ONE (and only one) of the prompts below. The paragraph should be in MLA format.

1. After looking over the results do you think this personality quiz accurately captured your inner traits? Provide an example to support your reason.

2. After skimming through your personality quiz results what is one characteristic you have which can be developed into an effective leader?

3. Is your personality type more prominently introvert or extrovert? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this in leadership? Include your introvert/extrovert percentage from the quiz.

4. Reflect on your own personality traits and provide a scenario where you have used this specific quality to show leadership in the past.

 Personality Quiz: Click Here

Due: Friday, 1/13

Assignment: Every Day Leadership Book (pg 5-8) 

Approximate Time: 20 min

Objective: To consider your own potential for leadership and gain an appreciation for leadership in everyday opportunities.  

Instructions: Read and complete the entire section including realistic goals which can be completed by 1/13 so that you can honestly fill out the section of "What I did to Achieve my Goals" section. It is important to start this assignment early in the week to allow you time to set and achieve your leadership goals.

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