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Week #3

Stress Management

Notes referenced from or revision of: 

Pearson Health

by Pruitt, Allegrante,Prothrow-Stith

Chapter 3


1. Know the difference between Eustress and Distress with examples of each. Example: Distress "damsel in Distress" your stressing due to a negative event (running from a bear, about to get into a car accident or stressing over a test you procrastinated for). Eustress = wedding, graduatig from college, moving out for the first time.

2. The Fight-or-flight response

Flow of blood to brain increases

Pupils open wide

Lump forms in throat as muscles contact

Heart rate and blood pressure increases

Flow of blood to digestive system reduced, digestion slows and more stomach acid is produced

adrenaline is released into blood (by the adrenal gland)

Muscles tense and more energy produced by cells

Flow of blood to skin is reduced and sweating  increases

More sugar is released into bold and the ability to clot increases

Breathing rate increases

3. Know how stress impacts the body and mind

  • Behavior Changes: Overeating, sleep problems, hurrying, withdrawing from relationships, reckless behavior 

  • Emotional changes: Irritable, angry, impatient, nervous, increased crying

  • changes in thinking: unable to concentrate, negative thinking, excessive worrying, self-criticism, critical of others

  • Physical changes: muscle tension, headaches 

4.Know the categories of coping with stress along with an example in each

Take Control: Time management/mental rehearsal

Reduce Tension: Physical activity/Relaxation

Change your thinking: Avoid negative thinking, humor

Build resilience: take care of yourself, build a support system, take action, help somebody, build a support system, take action, confide in yourself, go easy on yourself, put things in perspective, find a hassle-free zone, stick to your routines during crisis

Reach out for support: trusted individuals who have your best interest at heart

5. The three stages of stress

  • Alarm Stage: Fight-or-flight (adrenaline triggers this)

  • Resistances Stage: when the stress occurs over time

  • Exhaustion Stage: When you begin to give up and are unable to handle the stress further

In class points


Home Work


Pages Covered

Chapter 3:

pages 54-79


Stress (how your body and mind respond to a challenge or threat)



mental rehersal







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