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Week # 4

Notes referenced from or revision of: 

Pearson Health

by Pruitt, Allegrante,Prothrow-Stith

Chapter 4 pages: 80-109


Mental Disorder: is an illness that affects the mind and reduces a person's ability to function, to adjust to change, or to get along with others. 

Causes of mental disorders (as outlined on page 83)

1. physical factors (brain injury) 

2. Heredity

3. Early Experiences

4. Recent Experiences



Anxiety Disorders: 

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A person who displays intense worry fear or anxiety most days for at least six months. 

2.Phobias: anxiety that is related to a specific object or situation. (note complete the sentence of phobia of________)

3.Panic Attack: the following symptoms can be associated with a panic attack. fast heart rate, rapid breathing, fear of suffocation, believes he or she is dying, sweating, trembling or shaking, choking sensation, chest discomfort or pain, nausea or stomach discomfort, dizziness or lightheaded, fear of loosing control, an "out of body" experience....keep in mind that panic attacks often happen suddenly, and may occur with or without a trigger. 

4.Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder (OCD): Obsession= an unwanted thought or image that takes control of the mind, Compulsion= an  unreasonable need to behave in a certain way to prevent a feared outcome (to act on the obsession)

5.Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): People who survive a life threatening event may develop PTSD and may have flashbacks or nightmares. 




In class points

Quiz and STP

Home Work


Pages Covered

Chapter 4 

Pages 80-85




anxiety attack



anxiety disorder

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